Thursday - Happy belated birthday to Frank
Frank's birthday was last week and today's workout didn't really have anything to do with it but I thought I'd bring it up anyway. He went to the Padres game last night (a win, by the way) and woke up a little groggy so I thought I'd have a chance to look respectable next to him during this morning's workout. I was wrong.
Thursday 2 For

Frank beat me by 1:00 on WOD 1 and he used a 70# kettle bell vs. my 50#. I think he was around 13 min and I was at 14. He tried talking me into 135# thrusters but my better judgment made me stick to a more reasonable 95#. I think I finished at around 8:45 and he might've been a couple minutes behind. I knew 135# thrusters would be brutal.
And thanks for a regular Thursday morning guest Devin dropping by to do the workout with us. Until next time...
By the way, the photo above was taken at Second Chance Beer Co. when we went out to celebrate Frank's birthday. Great spot in Carmel Valley with even better beer.
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